Tuesday, May 17, 2016

For me

I started this blog almost a year ago - and have done absolutely nothing with it since then. Why? Because I was too afraid to actually write anything down. Too afraid to admit to the world that I have weaknesses - that I'm not perfect.

Well, newsflash to myself: nobody is! So, without further adieu, I'm going to actually start using this page. Not for anyone else, but for myself (because, let's face it, in all likelihood I'm the only one who's ever going to read this thing). Keeping track of my running, thoughts, feelings, and ideas (but really, mostly my running) will let me look back on all the things I've done, and everything I still want to accomplish.

What's changed over the last year? Well, I've successfully completed my first marathon (with minimal walking involved), signed up for another team-relay (Ragnar NWP, here I come!), a triathlon, and yet another marathon.

My short three-mile run tonight reminded me just how much I love running. The feeling that I can conquer the world, no hill is too high to climb  is the best thing in the entire world (and the endorphin rush doesn't hurt either). Tonight's run was one of those from which I came home feeling like I could've run 10 more miles, and then do it again tomorrow.

Now, I know from experience that this feeling is definitely not accurate - and, after taking my running shoes off tonight, my feet agreed with me. But, this feeling is what keeps me coming back for more; the promise that maybe the next time I'll be able to run those 10 extra miles, then maybe 10 more after that.

Here's to doing it again tomorrow!